E-mail: zhiminguo0830@163.com
2006/9 - 2010/6,内蒙古科技大学,矿物加工工程,学士
2013/9 - 2015/6,安徽理工大学,矿物加工工程,硕士
2017/9 - 2021/6,中国矿业大学,矿物加工工程,博士
2021/9 - 至今,南华大学,太阳集团tyc539,讲师
2015/7 - 2017/7,内蒙古科技大学工业技术研究院,助教
2010/7 - 2012/3,中国黄金集团苏尼特金曦黄金矿业有限责任公司,技术员
Zhimin Guo, You Zhou , Tian Qiu et al. Effect of heterogeneity size on three-phase contact line formation kinetics, Minerals Engineering, 196 (2023): 108049. (IF: 8.5,JCR 一区)
Zhimin Guo, Jiandong Liu, Zhiwu Lei, Pengfei Hu. Enhancement of flocculant-aided filtration performance of coal tailings under alternating low and high shear rates,Powder Technology, 2022, 399: 117253.(IF: 9.4,JCR 一区)
Zhimin Guo, Jiandong Liu, Qian Li, Zhiwu Lei, You Zhou, Pengfei Hu. Effect of Surface Heterogeneities on Interactions between Air Bubbles and Heterogeneous Surfaces,Langmuir, 2022, 38(32): 9908-9916.(IF: 7.0,JCR 二区)
Zhimin Guo, Rachid Hakkou, Jian-guo Yang, Yuling Wang. Effects of surfaces heterogeneities on wetting and contact line dynamics as observed with bubble captive technique. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 615:126041. (IF: 4.7 JCR 二区)
Zhimin Guo, Lipeng Wang, Rachid Hakkou et al. Determination of the contact angles and pseudo-line tensions on heterogeneous surfaces with different size of bubbles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 611: 125772. (IF: 4.7 JCR 二区)
Zhimin Guo, Lipeng Wang, Yuling Wang et al. Effect of surface chemical heterogeneity on kinetics of three phase contact formation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 616: 126348. (IF: 4.7 JCR 二区)
Zhimin Guo, long Liang, pengfei Hu. Application of low-field NMR in the study of flocculant-aided filtration process of coal tailings. Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing. 57(3), 2021, 1-7 (IF: 1.256 JCR 三区)
Zhimin Guo, Jian-guo Yang, Yuling Wang. An investigation of continuous interaction process between air bubble and various roughness coal surfaces using microbalance. Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing. 56(1), 2020. 11-23 (IF: 1.256 JCR 三区)
1. 湖南省教育厅:化学杂合表面与气泡作业机制研究,主持;
2. 南华大学校级科研启动基金:非均质表面与气泡作业机制研究,主持
4. “十二五”国家科技支撑计划课题:煤炭高效分选及二次资源开发关键技术研究与示范(2014BAB01B00),主要参与人员;
5. 国家能源集团(原神华集团)2017年科技创新项目:动力煤重介选煤过程专家调控系统关键技术研究,主要参与人员;
6. 内蒙古自治区重大专项:白云鄂博多元素共伴生矿资源清洁、高效利用研究,主要参与人员;
1. 专利名称:一种新型絮凝剂、矿浆搅拌混合工艺及装置,专利号:202010008498.1,本人排名:第一;
2. 专利名称:一种方格法样品缩分器,专利号:201420506552.5,本人排名:第一
1. 铀不得你-一种含铀废水离子浮选处理装置设计说明书,2023首届湖南省大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛一等奖
2. 一种含铀废水离子浮选处理装置,2023年第八届全国高等学校矿物加工工程专业学生实践作品大赛二等奖;
3. 功能化纳米微晶纤维素捕收剂在低阶煤浮选中的应用研究,2023年“节能减排”大赛校级二等奖;
4. 强弱交替剪切强化微细尾矿絮凝脱水研究,2022年“节能减排”大赛校级三等奖;