
2023年02月15日 10:49  点击:[]

洪昌寿 导师简历





















1、Zhanyuan Zhang, Changshou Hong*, Xiangyang Li, Hong Wang, Experimental study on effect of wetting-drying cycles on crack development and radon retardation of covering soil in uranium mill tailings impoundment, ACS Omega, 2024, 9(17): 19295-19310.

2、Changshou Hong*, Jia Wei, Guoyan Zhao, Hong Wang, Qian Kang, Xiangyang Li, Experimental study on coupling characteristics of radon exhalation from surrounding rock of deep uranium mines, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2024, 333: 979-993.

3、Hong Wang, Bingbing Xie, Yuhang Wang, Jiale Wen, Changshou Hong*, Influence of temperature on the radon concentration distribution in ramp under low-speed wind field: A numerical simulation study, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2024, 272: 107331.

4、Jiayi Xin, Changshou Hong*, Jia Wei, Jingwen Qie, Hong Wang, Bo Lei, Xiangyang Li, Ziqi Cai, Qian Kang, Zhiwei Zeng, Yong Liu, A comprehensive review of radioactive pollution treatment of uranium mill tailings. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30: 102104-102128.

5、Xiangyang Li, Yao Chen, Changshou Hong*, Xingwang Dai, Yifan Chen,  Dongying Lin, Chengyan Yan, Yong Liu, Effect of CaCl2 concentration on surface desiccation cracks of red clay and its radon retardation performance. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2023, 332: 3317-3324.

6、Kaiqi Liang, Changshou Hong*, Jian Luo, Pengfei Liu, Tianji Zhao, Zhifeng Zhou, Zhiwei Zeng, Yong Liu, Radon attenuation characteristics of compacted soil layer for uranium mill tailings pond subjected to drying-wetting cycles. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 851: 158184.

7、Hong Wang, Wenhua Wang, Runcheng He, Changshou Hong*, Jin Wang, Xiangyang Li, Yong Liu*, Experimental study on unsteady radon exhalation from overburden layer of uranium mill tailings pond under rainfall. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2022, 2022: 9366056.

8、Changshou Hong, Yini Yang, Hong Wang*, Yong Liu, Xiangyang Li, Bo Lei*, Ming Lan, Yifan Chen, Xingwang Dai, Analysis of equivalent thickness of geological media for lab-scale study of radon exhalation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29: 5931-5944.

9、Xingwang Dai, Yifan Chen, Yan Chen, Hong Wang, Xiangyang Li, Changshou Hong*, Yong Liu*, Effect of thickness and compaction degree of overburden soil on radon reduction for uranium tailings reservoir, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2021, 2021(3): 1-8.

10、Bo Lei, Ziqi Cai*, Changshou Hong*, Guan Chen, Jintao Guo, Feng He, Zilong Zhang, Baolong Lu, Investigation on the soil gas radon concentrations in Northwest Huahai Basin, Gansu Province, China. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2020, 326: 1-9.

11、Ling-feng Xie, Shu-liang Zou, Xiang-yang Li, Chang-shou Hong*, Hong Wang, Zi-qi Cai, Ming Li, Shuai Zhang, Jing-fan Yuan, Effect of ultrasonic treatment on radon exhalation from porous media: an experimental case study, Sustainability, 2018, 10(9): 3005.

12、Changshou Hong*, Guoyan Zhao, Xiangyang Li, Analysis of queuing mine-cars affecting shaft station radon concentration in Quzhou uranium mine, eastern China, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2018, 50(3): 453-461.

13、Guoyan Zhao, Changshou Hong*, Xiangyang Li, Chunping Lin, Penghua Hu, Predictive analysis of shaft station radon concentrations in underground uranium mine: A case study, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2016, 158-159: 129-137.

14、Changshou Hong*, Xiangyang Li, Ming Li, Shuai Zhang, Hong Wang, Kaixuan Liu, Preparation and multi-properties determination of radium-containing rocklike material, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 121: 052018.

15、梁铠淇, 洪昌寿*, 陈志斌, 赵天吉, 汪弘, 李向阳, 刘永, 铀尾矿库氡析出机理及其影响因素研究进展, 辐射防护, 2023, 43(2): 97-113.

16、李向阳, 陈艳, 洪昌寿*, 雷波, 汪弘, --固耦合作用下铀尾矿库坝体稳定性数值模拟, 安全与环境学报, 2022, 22(6): 3135-3142.

17、洪昌寿, 辛佳怡, 李邵, 汪弘*, 钟永明, 李向阳, 刘永, 低掺量木质素磺酸钙改良红黏土氡气阻滞效果, 有色金属(冶炼部分), 2022, (10): 110-115.

18、洪昌寿, 张站源, 戴兴旺, 陈逸凡, 陈艳, 林东颖, 陈振兴, 刘永, 李向阳, 汪弘*, 地震-降雨作用下铀尾矿库滩面氡析出响应规律研究, 矿业研究与开发, 2022, 42(4): 141-147.

19、汪弘, 王文华, 罗熙照, 何润程, 洪昌寿*, 李向阳, 氡析出测量偏差评估与测量采样优化, 核电子学与探测技术, 2022, 42(6): 1053-1057.



1、汪弘, 李向阳, 洪昌寿, 刘赞, 郑平卫, 蔡梓麒, 模拟复杂条件下氡耦合析出试验装置, 中国高等教育学会, 第五届全国高等学校教师自制实验教学仪器设备创新大赛(四川成都), 三等奖, 2018。



1、陈逸凡, 周海琼, 林东颖, 丁悦, 何依琳, 于守富, 陈艳, 李苏哲, 谭方宁, 戴薇, V-safe放射性尾矿库安全计划, 第十二届“桃战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛铜奖(2020.12), 第九届“挑战杯”湖南省大学生创业计划竞赛金奖(2020.10), 指导老师:洪昌寿、刘永、刘萌芽;

2、卢湘浓, 江南, 丁悦, 张敏, 梁铠淇, 伴生放射性矿放射性污染现状与石煤矿周边环境核素迁移影响分析, 第十四届“挑战杯”湖南省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛三等奖(2021.08), 指导老师:洪昌寿、刘永、李向阳。



1、洪昌寿, 陈逸凡, 刘永, 李向阳, 刘艳, 袁劲帆, 李苏哲, 刘晓璐, 一种用于监测铀尾矿砂的人工模拟气候箱, 2024.09.17, 中国, ZL 201911098255.5;

2、洪昌寿, 陈逸凡, 刘永, 罗明亮, 李熙琪, 兰明, 李向阳, 汪弘, 余修武, 李苏哲, 陈艳, 一种放射性废渣的固化方法, 2021.10.22, 中国, ZL 201911269377.6;

3、洪昌寿, 刘永, 李向阳, 罗明亮, 余修武, 汪弘, 袁劲帆, 刘艳, 一种选冶联合的锰矿富集方法, 2021.04.09, 中国, ZL 201910285257.9;

4、赵国彦, 洪昌寿, 李向阳, 蒋复量, 黎明, 张帅, 刘凯旋, 压差可调式射气岩石介质氡析出率测量装置及其使用方法, 2019.01.04, 中国, ZL 201710131510.6。






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